Forest and Nature School
Join us!
Come with us to connect our senses to the forest, smell the cold air winds, hear the birds speaking, feel the cold snow on your hands, see the tracks pressed into the snow of the beautiful animals of the forest.
We explore the land with curiosity and wonder. We navigate skills that can build self-esteem, confidence, patience, and focus. Through questions, problem solving, practice and mishaps we can know oneself, our limitations, our interests...
What we can explore in the forest, not limited to;
• How we respect the land we are on
• Playing safely in the forest
• Nature Journaling
• Indigenous roots of the land
• Team building skills
• Plant/animal tracks identification
• Our bodies consent/boundaries
• Winter season changes and benefits
• Cooking on the fire
• Children will be grouped by age at different times throughout the day, allowing opportunities to explore and learn both together and in age-specific groups for developmentally appropriate activities.
"We hope to welcome you in a child-led environment, where we create bond, trust, and friendships."
Winter Programs
Starts Jan 20
260 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts Jan 24
180 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts Feb 1
270 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts Jan 24
70 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts Jan 31
70 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Spring Programs
Starts Mar 17
455 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts Mar 29
180 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts Mar 21
180 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Forest and nature school can be a relatively new concept to many parents in the area. If our programs sound like it would be something your child(ren) would like but not sure, please reach out and inquire about doing a drop-in. We can show you around our base camp and answer any questions you might have. If you would like to register your child to try Forest and Nature School for a day, we would love to work with you to accommodate that.
Wild Fauna Nature Play